Our Offer
Online live training, where we offer bitesize introduction to 'What is FASD' & a staged progression route towards a higher level of learning……. from being 'FASD Informed™' towards being 'FASD Responsive™’

FASD Toolkit
Professionals & Families
Social Care
FASD Informed™ Professional: Social Worker
Many families supporting FASD experience secondary trauma; a vicarious type of trauma that impacts the whole body, as well as considering the child/young person/adult with FASD we reflect on the whole family where we signpost you to ways to help support very challenging cases where needs change rapidly.
With the publication of the NICE Quality Standards for FASD good practice tells us that all professionals who support children/young people/adults & families should be FASD informed.
Start without assumptions where the programme enables you to build up your knowledge around the demands of your role in a dip in and out basis.
To find out more & to book please email us: info@fasdinformed.co.uk
FASD Informed™ Professional: Criminal Justice System
How can you support change?
Considering alcohol and drugs when entering an incident where a woman is present can make a huge difference to a child's life. Even if the woman appears not to be pregnant if alcohol is always considered and then later it is found that she is is pregnant and was consuming alcohol then a child risk needs can be considered much earlier.
A recorded line of alcohol present on a PNB (Police Note Book) or ePNB (electronic Police Note Book) is enough after birth for the child's carer to have information to be signposted to FASD services, where they will ask for evidence of alcohol to provide diagnostic input to support complex cases.
FASD drastically increases a person’s risk of contact with the criminal justice system as a victim, witness, or suspect of a crime. How can language, pace and clear identification of need help support process and identify capacity of children and young people with complex needs?
To find out more email us: info@fasdinformed.co.uk
©FASD Informed UK
FASD Informed™ Professional: Educational Psychologist
With caseloads high finding time to reflect is hard to do. We give you space to consider prenatal exposure to alcohol.
With the publication of the NICE Quality Standards are you abreast of the new standards and FASD terminology?
Do you need to update and refresh your knowledge or start a new page with fresh eyes?
We can support by providing an overview or a deeper dig into the impact of alcohol on all brain domains.
FASD Informed™ Professional: Health
Providing all levels of your team with a starting point to make no assumptions.
FASD is irreparable brain damage where to support a robust health management plan, consideration needs to be given to pace, language, strategies, dignity, capacity and the whole family.
We offer a tailored programme to support your area of work, we tune into the complexities and challenges of the patients that you support and consider the impact that alcohol has had on the whole child/young person/ alcohol.
To find out more & to book please email us: info@fasdinformed.co.uk