Neuro-developmental Disorder Training:
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Supporting Carers, Parents, Professionals, Schools, Multi-disciplinary teams, Alternative Provision & Colleges towards becoming FASD Responsive™
Online live training delivered at a time that suits you or your team, where we offer a certified progression route towards a higher level of learning……. from being 'FASD Informed™' towards being 'FASD Responsive™’.
We keep fees low to share in good practice; starting at £30
Our 'out of the box' courses start with a bitesize overview of FASD and then offer options to dig deep into good practice to support the NICE Quality Standards for FASD.
We look realistically at the child, young person or adults needs that you or your service support through the lens of FASD; we identify the challenges you face personally or in your setting and then tailor the course to support those needs.
We can adapt our training to support large or small audiences, previous learning or experience.
For more information or to be added to our mailing list please email us: info@fasdinformed.co.uk
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